Thursday, October 9, 2014

Elephant Toothpaste Day 2

The students of BCPS in Belle Chasse like to experience science like real scientists and discover it for themselves.  We first tried the experiment of elephant toothpaste at the beginning of the year to learn the scientific method.  Now that its the end of the first quarter, we decided to try it again and change the potency of the hydrogen peroxide from 3% to 30%.  We did notice a difference, but only a slight one.  We hope to try it one more time using sodium iodide as the catalyst instead of yeast.  We know that will have explosive results.  Watch our experiment below:

We loved the elephant toothpaste experiment, but really wanted to see something explode.  So...we also did the mentos in coke experiment.  In just coke, we found it explodes some, going about six feet in the air.  But, when we tried diet coke instead... well, check it out and see for yourself!

Now we're hooked on discovering everything about science!  What will we discover next?

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