Wednesday, February 25, 2015

3D Shapes from Nets

The smart mathematicians of room 410 at BCPS used their brain power to discover the edges, faces, and vertices of the three dimensional shapes presented to them.  Then, find out what they had to do with a humongous rectangular prism...

These budding mathematicians made some similar discoveries....Check it out!

From Caterpillars to Painted Ladies

It was a great day about a month ago when we received our five tiny creepy crawling caterpillars in room 410 at BCPS.  The students were excited to begin a journal to document the life cycle of these special critters.  We made an eight page, no staples booklet to write down our daily observations.  We recorded everything up until the day they formed chrysalises.  It took approximately two weeks. This was about a half of a week before we had our Mardi Gras break.  Mrs. Rodriguez had to bring them home in case they hatched during this time.  And guess what..... they did! She said that they hatched out the Friday and the Saturday before we came back.  The students were so excited to see the new creatures that emerged from these paper-like shells.  Five little painted lady butterflies about the size of a fifty cent piece were flying around in their mesh habitat.
Both science classes ventured to the front of the school where there were cypress trees draped in moss, wild flowers, grass, and a nearby barn that houses horses.  We were told that this would be a good area to release our treasures back into the wild.  Because the weather was a bit chilly, the butterflies were a little reluctant to leave their tent.  The teacher had to urge them out.
Check out the video that show the grand finale:

Chuc Mung Nam Moi, or Happy (Vietnamese) New Year!

Enjoy this authentic dragon dance performed by the 4th graders of Room 410 at BCPS.  They helped to bring another culture into the schoolday for themselves and a few other very receptive classrooms. 2015 is the year of the goat.  Most of our dragon dancers were born in the year of the rooster, but some are in the year of the monkey. We really enjoyed bringing this dragon to life...we hope you enjoy the video too.

and check out these dragon dancers too!!!