Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sometimes You Have to Make Your Own Music...

The 4th grade students of BCP were challenged to create, demonstrate, and present their very own musical instruments after a study on sound.  Be amazed as you watch the incredible creativity by each and every one.  I know the students will remember this when it shows up on the LEAP science test in April! Go Rockstars!!!!
afternoon class 1A

and morning class 1B

BCP, where the learning never ends!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Candy Corn Estimation Jars

In Room 410, the students participated in an estimating contest.  They had to write a paragraph to explain their reasoning for estimating  a number of candy corn in the jar.  There was a jar for the morning class and one for the afternoon class.  What would your strategy be to estimate the number of candy corn in these jars?

Congratulations to Brittan and Abigail! Enjoy your candy!

Balloon Car Racers of Room 408 and 410

Way to go all of you amazing, creative,
imaginative, scientists who created your very own 
balloon car racers!